Configure Apple Mail as your email client (IMAP)

To configure Apple Mail, you first need to verify your primary domain, then check the IMAP settings for an email client :

  1. Verify your primary domain
    1. Log in to your control panel, then go to DomainCentral
    2. Your primary domain is denoted by a globe icon. In this example, our primary domain is
  2. Start Apple Mail. Select File > Add Account. The Add Account wizard opens - it guides you through this process step by step
  3. Fill out the following fields:
    • Full Name - enter the name of the mailbox owner, exactly how you want it to appear in the "From" field on your emails. For example, John Forth
    • Email Address: enter the full address of your Hosting Support mailbox. In this example, it's
    • Password - enter the mailbox password. If you don't remember what the password is, go back to MailCentral. You can reset mailbox password there.

      Click Continue once you've completed this step.

  4. For Incoming Mail Server, complete the fields as follows:
    • Account Type - select IMAP from the dropdown
    • Description - enter an email account description, which will appear in your Apple Mail account list. You might want to make this descriptive, like "Hosting Admin Mailbox"
    • Incoming Mail Server - enter imap.primarydomain, where primarydomain is the domain you verified in the first step. In this case the primary domain is, so the incoming server is
    • User Name - enter the full address of your mailbox (a common mistake is to enter just Administrator, or the name, not the actual full address)
    • Password - enter the mailbox password (should be filled out already)

      Click Continue once you've completed this step.

  5. For Outgoing Mail Server, complete the required fields as follows:
    • Description - enter the same description as in the previous screen
    • Outgoing Mail Server - the outgoing mail server is smtp.primarydomain. In this case, the primary domain is, so the setting is:
    • Use Authentication - check the box
    • User Name - enter your full mailbox address
    • Password - enter your mailbox password

      Click Continue once you've completed this step.

  6. Check the account summary to make sure that all setting were entered correctly. If it is correct, click Create. You are done!

  7. Your new account appears in the list of Mailboxes in your Apple Mail. Notice that the mailbox description that you created in step 4 above is displayed as this mailbox's name.